Klinefelter Syndrome: Can I still be a father?

Síndrome de Klinefelter

- Klinefelter syndrome affects the growth of testicles in men caused of being born with an extra X chromosome. This condition is commonly detected until adulthood and affects sexual development, so a constant check-up is essential. Learn everything you need to know about this condition.


Can I be a father with this pathology?

- Klinefelter syndrome causes sperm production to be low or even null, reducing the chances of fertilization. However, it is still possible to become a parent.


The Assisted Reproduction today offers alternatives for people with pathologies that affect their fertility. An example is an In Vitro fertilization treatment with intracytoplasmic injection (ICSI).This treatment allows the selection of the best quality and mobility of sperm cells to later implant them directly into the egg, which increases the rate of successful fertilization. 


What is the Klinefelter syndrome?

As we mentioned, this disease occurs when there is the presence of an additional X chromosome that causes the testicles to not develop normally. Likewise, other affectations are derived such as a decrease in the production of testosterone, reduction in muscle mass, little body and facial hair, and enlargement of the breast tissue. This syndrome is not hereditary, so it is a random event in the formation of reproductive cells.



It is important to mention that the symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome, change depending on the stage of development in which the person. This means that the symptoms do not appear in all cases, since even for some there are no signs of suffering from it. Some of the affectations that appear according to age are:


Symptoms on Babies

  • Speech delay
  • Weak muscles
  • Slow motor development 

Symptoms in Children/Teenagers

  • above average height
  • Wide hips, short torso, and long legs
  • delayed puberty
  • small testicles
  • enlarged breast tissue

Symptoms in adult men

  • Production of few or no sperm cells
  • Small penis and testicles
  • low sexual desire
  • Little facial and body hair
  • enlarged breast tissue


If you have any of the symptoms mentioned, it is advisable to approach a specialist to provide a diagnosis and proper treatment. We know that receiving a diagnosis of this condition is a hard blow and even more so if it causes infertility. Therefore, we are ready to company you at all times; we are here to support you., we have expert specialists on the subject with more than 20 years of experience that will provide you with an alternative to achieve your dream of having a baby. 

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