Advanced age

What is it ?
Age is a key factor when we talk about fertility, an advanced age can make pregnancy difficult, it mainly affects the female sector, after 35 years, the quality of the oocytes begins to decline, so achieving fertilization between sperm and egg can be very difficult to achieve naturally.
Worldwide, the time to get pregnant has begun to be postponed, because currently, both men and women seek to first meet their work, financial and rest goals; so their energy is focused on these goals, leaving aside raising a family. Infertility cases become more noticeable at an advanced age when the search for pregnancy begins, it must be understood that, in the case of women, we are born with a certain number of oocytes, as time progresses
we begin to lose them in each menstrual cycle, although the egg that matures regularly is one, it is not the only one that is lost within a period. Unlike men who, every three months, experience the formation of sperm, therefore, although age also affects men, it does not compare to the way it does with women.
Does advanced age equal infertility?
This is not necessarily the case in all women, there will be many who at an advanced age can conceive without any problem and others who, although they are at an ideal age for pregnancy, do not achieve it, this would be related to other causes of infertility.
Regularly, if after the age of 35 you have been trying to get pregnant for at least 6 months without success, it is time to go to a specialist who can help you with this issue. In addition, she considers that even achieving pregnancy after this age, they are usually pregnancies with a greater number of risks, so being under medical control is essential.
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