Hormonal imbalances

What is it ?
Hormonal imbalances are one of the most frequent causes of infertility, to better understand why we will explain below what hormones are and what their function is.
Hormones are molecules that help carry out some body functions and regulate them, they work at the cellular level, they help coordinate the organs involved. They are transported through the bloodstream to be able to reach all the cells of the body. As an example of hormones, we have insulin, which has the objective that sugars can be metabolized correctly by the body, as we already know, a failure in its production leads to diabetes; another of the most famous is adrenaline, which serves to warn us of external dangers. In the case of fertility, there are specifically sexual hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, or testosterone.
Sexual hormonal imbalances
When abnormalities occur in hormonal functioning there are different changes in the body, leaving aside the different types of hormones, we will focus on the sexual ones, which are the ones that are related to our fertility.
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) has a direct impact on the correct formation and maturation of the ovules, if the oocytes have poor quality, it is very difficult for fertilization to occur and if it does, there are high chances of miscarriage. In the case of the so-called luteinizing hormone (LH), it is what causes the egg to be released at the right time to be fertilized by a sperm.
Estrogens are responsible for the correct development of the sexual organs, in addition, they are linked to the menstrual cycle, therefore, if alterations occur, there may be a lack of menstruation or anovulation, which would prevent pregnancy.
Progesterone, for its part, is responsible for providing the ideal conditions in the female body so that a pregnancy can occur, for example, it is responsible for the formation of the endometrium, the place where an embryo is implanted.
Hormonal imbalances in any of these undoubtedly compromise our fertility. For example, they are responsible for conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), suffered by a considerable percentage of women of childbearing age.
In the case of men, the most important is testosterone, which is related to the formation of sperm. In women, it is also present but in a smaller quantity, in the same way, it fulfills the objective of regulating sexual desire.
What I can do?
When we treat this type of disorder, it is necessary to work on them in a multidisciplinary way, if you still do not have a diagnosis or do not know what the next step is, come to PROCREA, schedule an appointment with our experts. We can help you.
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