The implantation window in IVF

ventana de implantación

The implantation window is the crucial moment for more probabilities of success in the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)technique. This is the time in which the embryo must adhere to the uterine wall to achieve pregnancy. Here we will explain more about the subject and the factors that influence this process. 


What is implantation window?

It is the moment during which an embryo has the highest probability of implanting successfully in the endometrium since it presents the ideal conditions. It is a very important stage in the IVFprocess because the successful union of the embryo to the endometrium is essential for a pregnancy to develop.

In an IVFprocedure, this period occurs after the embryo transfer. To determine the ideal moment for the transfer, fertility specialists consider several factors, such as the quality and stage of development of the embryo, the hormonal profile of the patient, and the general receptivity of the endometrium


Factors that impact the implantation window:

Several factors can impact this process and knowing them helps to optimize the time of embryo transfer as well as improve the chances of successful implantation. Some of these factors are:

  • Embryo quality High-quality embryos have a higher chance of implantation during the receptive phase of the endometrium.
  • Endometrial Receptivity: A receptive endometrium has adequate thickness and blood flow to support embryo implantation.
  • Ovarian stimulation:: The protocol used for ovarian stimulation in IVF can affect the timing of the implantation window.
  • Age and uterine environment: Age-related changes in the uterus can affect the duration and quality of the implantation window as ovarian reserve decreases.


How is it diagnosed?

There is a diagnostic study that evaluates the receptivity of the endometrium to favor implantation. It is known as the ERA Test and consists of performing an endometrial biopsy where 248 genes are evaluated to predict the best time to perform an embryo transfer and increase the chances to achieve a pregnancy.


At Procrea we carry out this study and all the necessary ones in your treatment with the help of our partner Igenomix. Si estás planeando un embarazo por Assisted Reproduction and deseas saber más sobre el tema, acércate a us, we have certified specialists que te brindarán personalized attention and answer your questions.


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