Fertility and Basal Body Temperature

temperatura basal

Did you know that basal body temperature can be used to identify your fertile days? Body temperature changes one or two days after ovulation due to hormonal shifts. By monitoring and tracking these temperature changes throughout your menstrual cycle, you can better predict your fertile period. Here, we'll discuss this method in more detail.


How to Use the Method of basal body temperature?

refers to the basal body temperature degrees Celsius of a person's body when they are at rest. In women, temperature experiences a slight variation depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and increases by approximately 0.3 to 0.5°C after ovulation. This temperature shift is maintained for approximately 10 days. 

To identify your fertile days using this natural family planning method, you need to keep a daily record of your body temperature right after waking up, before engaging in any activity. It's recommended to take your temperature at the same time every day for around 6 months to establish a pattern and predict when ovulation will occur.

Keep in mind that these temperature changes are very small and gradual, so it's best to use a mercury thermometer for accuracy. You can measure your temperature orally, vaginally, or rectally, but once you choose a method, stick to it to avoid variations.


Can All Women Use This Method?

This method is natural and can be conducted at home. There are no contraindications for its use. However, for some women who are planning to become pregnant, it may not be the most suitable method, especially if they have irregular menstrual cycles, an uncontrolled medical condition, or take medications affecting their temperature.

If you're planning a pregnancy, it's advisable to combine a natural method such as temperature tracking or a fertility calendar with guidance from a specialist. Recording basal body temperature is not recommended if you have infertility issues. In such cases, it's essential to consult a specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment.


What Factors Can Alter Basal Body Temperature?

If you're thinking of using this method to predict your fertile days, it's crucial to be aware of factors that can affect your temperature and make note of them in your records. These factors may include:

  • Insufficient rest
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Medications


If you have any doubts or seek guidance on family planning, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to support you in making this important decision. We are certified specialists fertility specialists and assisted reproduction.


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