How are babies formed? Learn the baby’s development stages.

Cómo se forma un bebé


The baby's growth and development is an extraordinary process that spans from conception to birth and each stage plays a crucial role in its growth. In the article below we explain each step to understand how a baby is formed and discover what happens inside the womb during this stage.


The process of how a baby is formed

The formation of a baby begins at the moment of conception. The sperm meets the egg in one of the fallopian tubes. Of the millions of sperm released, only one manages to fertilize the egg, fusing its genetic material and giving rise to the formation of the zygote. 

Once fertilization occurs, the egg divides into multiple cells in a process known as cleavage. These cells continue to divide and form a structure called a blastocyst that eventually attaches to the wall of the uterus in a process called implantation. During this process, it forms connections with the blood vessels of the uterus, which will allow the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the embryo. Implantation is a crucial moment in the formation of a baby since it establishes the bases for its growth and development.


The embryonic and fetal period

During the first few weeks, the germ layers, such as the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, differentiate and give rise to the developing baby's systems and organs. The nervous system, cardiovascular system, internal organs, and limbs gradually begin to form.

The second month until birth is known as the fetal period, it is no longer called an embryo but a fetus. The eyes and ears take their final position within the face, the limbs change their size until they are proportional, their size and weight increase, and they also lose their asexual character to define their sexual organs. Between 16 and 20 weeks, the mother feels the movements of the fetus for the first time. 



In the third month, the fetus measures approximately 9 centimeters and has increased its resistance. In the fourth month, the head has reached 18 centimeters and the heartbeat is beginning to be noticeable. In the fifth month, the nails and bones are stronger and react to external stimuli. By the sixth month, it measures 30 centimeters with an approximate weight of one kilogram. As the fetus grows, there are significant changes in its size and appearance. During the last trimester of pregnancy, the organs are fully developed and the baby is ready to face the outside world.

Understanding your baby's development from the beginning allows you to know if he is forming and growing correctly. If you have questions about how a baby is formed or want to know more about the development of your pregnancy, come to uss. At Procrea we have at your service maternal-fetal specialist who will guide you through this wonderful stage with quality care.

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