Terms and Conditions. Coyoacán branch opening promotion.

We inform you of the Terms and Conditions of our opening promotion at our clinic in Coyoacán:


Terms and Conditions:

  1. The discount is based on the regular price of the consultation.
  2.  To make the promotion valid, it must be paid in full before October 31, 2021.
  3. The consultation can be scheduled at any time if it has been paid and according to the schedule of the participating doctors.
  4. Promotion valid from October 1 to 31, 2021.
  5. Does not apply with other promotions
  6. Does not include diagnostic studies
  7.  Promotion limited to 50 queries
  8.  Apply only with Dr. Miguel Ángel Ulloa and Dr. Maryvi Ileana Castillo from our Coyoacán branch at Hospital San Ángel Inn Universidad. Located at Real Mayorazgo 130, Xoco, Col. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03330, CDMX, Office Tower 2, Local 1.


It is the patient's responsibility:

  • Schedule your medical consultation and attend it.

See Privacy Notice: https://procrea.mx/aviso-de-privacidad/

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