Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI)

What is it ?
Intracytoplasmic injection or ICSI is one of the techniques that in vitro fertilization treatment uses to increase fertilization rates in this treatment. It is generally used when infertility is related to the malefactor, such as little presence or defects in the sperm. In an IVF traditional, both gametes are placed together so that over time they can be fertilized so that this is possible and at least one of the sperm can penetrate the zona pellucida of the ovum, it must be in optimal conditions of mobility, quantity, and form, with ICSI the male sperm that is considered most viable for fertilization is chosen.
El esperma de mejor movilidad y morfología es seleccionado, para ser colocado dentro de una pipeta minúscula con el fin de inyectarlo directamente en el ovocito, dependiendo de los óvulos de buena calidad.
Obtenidos mediante la punción ovárica es el número de los gametos femeninos fecundados, se deja transcurrir 3 a 5 días para que los blastocistos maduren hasta embriones para evaluar cual es el más capaz para ser transferido al útero materno.
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