Mapeo de Endometriosis por Ultrasonido
It is a diagnostic study that evaluates areas where endometriosis is most frequent to appear. It is characterized by the use of transvaginal abdominal and pelvic ultrasound.
En Procrea contamos con un especialista en Mapeo de Endometriosis por Ultrasonido

Dr. Esteban Durán Boullosa
Obstetrics Gynecology
Esta técnica la realiza nuestro especialista en su consultorio. Dura aproximadamente entre 25 – 30 minutos y no tiene efectos adversos.
The patient must perform bowel preparation before the study and have a full or semi-full bladder to adequately identify the pelvic structures.
This study is recommended for women who...
- Have disabling pain when menstruating or having sexual intercourse.
- Suffer from unidentified factor infertility.
- Have a previous diagnosis and/or treatment of endometriosis.
Find out if you are a candidate for the study