Can I Choose the Baby's Gender?

elegir el sexo del bebé

When planning a pregnancy through Assisted Reproduction, it's common for women to question the possibility of Choosing the Baby's Gender. Although our primary goal is to ensure a healthy pregnancy, it's important to note that this choice is indeed possible. Here, we'll explain more about the topic and the necessary process to make this decision.


Is it possible to Choosing the Baby's Gender?

One of the most well-known techniques in fertility treatments is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which allows the union of eggs and sperm in a laboratory for embryo implantation in the uterus. In the context of gender selection, IVF offers the opportunity to do so, as specialists can analyze embryos before implantation, allowing them to select those with the desired sex. This is a significant advancement for couples seeking to balance their family or prevent genetic diseases.


What is PGT?

- Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), is a technique that allows the analysis of the genetic information of embryos before their implantation. Although initially designed to detect genetic abnormalities, PGT has become a key tool for gender selection. With this test, certified specialists can examine the chromosomes of developing embryos and accurately determine their sex. This provides parents with an option to choose the baby's gender in addition to providing genetic information.


How the gender is selected

After completing the conventional processes of stimulation, egg retrieval, and fertilization in IVF, embryos are allowed to develop until they reach the blastocyst stage. At this crucial point, a biopsy of the tissue known as trophoectoderm, which will eventually give rise to the placenta, is performed. This tissue allows the analysis of the chromosomes present in the embryo, providing precise information about its gender. Once the gender of the embryos has been identified and it has been confirmed that the total number of chromosomes is correct, the embryo transfer is carried out.

It's important to note that this procedure does not involve complications and increases the success of a healthy pregnancy by allowing the transfer of genetically healthy embryos. 


If you have more questions about the topic or are interested in starting treatment, reach out to us. At Procrea we have certified specialists who will guide you through each step, providing comprehensive care until you have your baby in your arms. 

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