Infertility: Cervical Abnormalities

Infertilidad: Alteraciones en el cuello uterino

It is essential to consider that infertility is also related to issues within the cervix, as it is the passage through which sperm travel to fertilize the egg. Therefore, any complication in this area represents a challenge in achieving pregnancy. Here, we explain some common anomalies.


Function of the Cervix

The cervix, also known as the cervix uteri, is the canalthat connects the upper part of the uterus to the vagina. It allows the passage of blood during menstruation and plays a crucial role in facilitating the passage of sperm toward the fallopian tubes for fertilization of the egg. 

One of the primary functions of the cervix is the production of cervical mucus, which is closely linked to fertilityThis mucus must have a specific consistency to facilitate the passage of sperm. Throughout the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus undergoes three phases:

    1. Follicular Phase: The mucus is thick, hindering the sperm's proper passage as the egg is maturing. 
    2. Ovulation Phase: The mucus becomes watery, aiding the sperm's easy passage to reach the egg.
    3. Luteal Phase: The mucus returns to being thick. If fertilization does not occur, a new cycle begins.


Cervical Abnormalities Leading to infertility

  • Anatomical Abnormalities: These involve physical obstructions that prevent the passage of sperm. They may result from congenital defects, tumors, polyps, cysts, fibroids, tears, or perforations that cause inflammation (cervicitis).
  • Functional Abnormalities:These issues are related to the conditions of the cervix and can be caused by a lack of estrogen, affecting cervical mucus, or the presence of microorganisms contracted through infections.
  • Cervical Insufficiency:This condition leads to premature births or cervical tears because the cervix is unable to support the growing fetus during pregnancy.



It is worth noting that various solutions are available depending on the specific anomaly. Treatment options can range from antibiotics to surgery. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a specialist regularly to ensure the timely detection of any issues.

If you desire to become pregnant and have a cervical abnormality, there are alternative approaches available. These include In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) ), in which the egg is fertilized in a laboratory and then implanted directly into the uterus. artificial insemination techniques can also be employed, where the best sperm are selected and injected into the uterus to facilitate fertilization.

If you have questions or are experiencing any of these cervical issues, please contact us We are here to support you in identifying and addressing any fertility-related problems. Our certified specialists are well-prepared to assist you throughout the process with personalized care tailored to your diagnosis. 


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